Digital Media Certificate
Spring Exhibition 2021

The overarching creating theme this year for the Digital Art Certificate Studio class was the concept of time, specifically as it relates to the past, present, and future.  Three Tenses is the name of our Spring Exhibition 2021. Students are tasked with open projects that they conceptualize, create, and examine throughout the school year.  Teacher assigned mini-projects related to Digital Art History are interspersed throughout the regular project cycles.  Many of those projects are collaborative and integrate various techniques related to digital art, imaging, and new media.

Project Work Cycles

Week 1

Sketches, Research, Proposals, Advising Meeting, Written Self and Peer Critiques (from previous project cycle), field trips

Week 2 and 3

Studio Time, Advising Check-ins, Mid-Point Presentations, Peer Critiques

Week 4 and 5

Studio Time, Advising Check-ins, Final Submissions

Student Artists

Liza Tom ’21

Alex Takemoto ’21

Milia McCoy ’21

Yoshi Kajihiro ’22

Rell Uehara ’22

Taryn Koza ’24

Chaewon Lee ’21
